Comply with the law: protect your data.

You can’t ignore privacy laws and cyber risks, hoping for the best. The future of your business relies on your understanding.

Compliance level
Do you have clients or employees in Europe or Quebec?
Do you have their names, addresses or other personal data?
Do you know who is responsible for the protection of personal data and their role?
Do you have an inventory of the personal data you hold?
Have you obtained informed consent to collect the personal data?
Do you have measures in place to protect this data?
Do you manage access, correction, deletion and anonymization of personal data?
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How does it work?

Take the first step

Receive the first step of your action plan for free. The action plan is in French only. Contact us for support in English. Understand the requirements and your context to make a decision in one hour.

Become compliant

With a single payment of $149, receive the 9 steps to become compliant at your pace. Every week, fortnight or month, spend three to four hours to act.

Continuously improve

At every step, you get guided instructions, training, videos, templates, and tools in your inbox.

Start for free

To prepare your action plan, we need some information. Please take 2 minutes to complete the form below and personalize your plan.

Info conformité
Je veux recevoir les actions (une heure par action)

You will receive your first action within 48 hours. You will also receive information to purchase the rest of the program for $149.

Our customers talk about it

Eponine is very knowledgeable and generously answers all questions.

Marie, certified massage therapist

Very professional content and clear explainations, tailored to our reality.

— Hélène, Health Practice General Manager

I really enjoy the support, the guide is well done and I find what I need despite my complex situation.

— Tamira, Coach and trainer

Data protection

Do you really use your website cookies?

Protect your personal data: clean up your accounts!

What would you do if your smartphone was lost or stolen?

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m not sure I can keep up to speed, what happens if I’m late?

All information is sent via email. You will have the instructions and templates in your inbox. However, we can pause the programme and start it later if you wish. You also have access to the free monthly Q/A.

I’m short on time. Do you have a ready-to-use compliance kit?

Ten hours of work is a lot when you’re a small organisation! Some companies offer turnkey compliance document kits. However, compliance is not limited solely to legal documentation; it also includes measures to protect your data.

If your data were hacked, stolen, or shared without the consent of your customers or employees, the time spent rectifying the breach and responding to inquiries from regulators and affected individuals would far exceed ten hours. Moreover, fines and compensation could have a significant impact on your business. This investment of 10 hours and $149 will save you many future hours and expenses. Prevention is better than cure.

I only have my client’s data, who are businesses. Do I have to comply with Quebec’s Law 25?

In Quebec, professional contact information is considered public and is not subject to Law 25. However, this is not the case for your customers in other Canadian provinces or in Europe. Any data you have about your clients : personal preferences, relationship or scores have to comply with Law 25.

In addition, your employees have shared their personal data. Even if you have little personal data, it is sensible, and you must protect it.

I’m not an IT or legal expert. How am I going to do this?

The guide we provide doesn’t replace personalised advice from a lawyer, a privacy officer or cybersecurity expert. However, we guide you towards various resources and explain the important actions as clearly as possible.

We also have a support group on Facebook (French only), and a free monthly Q/A session. You will find an answer to all your questions.

How much will it cost me in total?

The total price of $149 includes the delivery of 10 actions to implement your compliance plan, weekly or monthly, depending on your chosen pace. Most of the measures are organisational. You won’t have to pay anything extra. The main investment will be the time required to analyse, document, and train your team. Furthermore, we prioritise actions that leverage your current tools and that you can perform on your own.

You may need to purchase equipment or solutions based on your current situation and objectives. You might also incur additional fees, depending on the contract you have with your suppliers. Note that Coresilium has no affiliation or connection with any other companies. We recommend the best solutions, independently.

Will I be compliant with the Quebec privacy Law?

No, only the Commission d’Accès à l’Information (Quebec regukation body) can determine wether you comply or not. If you are the victim of data theft or are subject of a complaint, the legislator will evaluate the data protection measures you have in place, your processes, your documentation and the training of your team.

So, if you implement the recommended protection measures and processes, and thoroughly document everything, it will be easier to demonstrate that you have taken the necessary steps in an honest and transparent manner.